From a conventional medical perspective, the cause of ADD/ADHD is unknown. Some factors have been identified, however, that may play a role in ADD/ADHD:
- Genetics
- Environmental factors such as heavy metals, and alcohol and tobacco use during pregnancy
- Food additives
- Brain injury
From a naturopathic medical perspective, there are other dietary/nutritional factors that can contribute to ADD/ADHD. While research on these factors has been mixed (probably because each of them only affects a subset, rather than all, kids with ADD/ADHD), in my experience most kids and adults with ADD/ADHD will improve when these factors are addressed. These factors are as follows:
- Food allergy/sensitivity
- Blood sugar imbalances
- Methylation defects
- Omega 3 fatty acid deficiency
- Epigenetic testing and Iasis
- LDI for food sensitivities and allergies
- Acupuncture and herbal formulas
ADD/ADHD, like most conditions, is multifaceted. In any given person, a variety of factors can contribute to ADD/ADHD. When enough of those factors are present the person experiences ADD/ADHD. To prevent ADD/ADHD, all of the factors don’t generally need to be addressed, just enough of the factors to take the person below this threshold.