Degenerative disc disease is when changes happen in your spine's discs, causing pain and disruptions to your life. Spinal discs are similar to shock absorbers between your vertebrae. They help keep your back flexible, allowing you to bend and twist. As you age, they can show signs of wear and tear. Almost everyone's discs break down over time, though not everyone experiences pain. If you are feeling pain due to worn-out spinal discs, you are suffering from a degenerative disc condition.
Spinal discs contain a softer inner core as well as a robust external wall. The discs transform in ways that may lead to degenerative disc conditions, like drying out. As a newborn, your spine's discs contain mostly water. As you grow older, the water reduces, and they get thinner. Discs that are flatter cannot absorb shock very well. The reduced water also means diminished padding between the vertebrae. This can cause other issues in your spine which may lead to back pain. Cracking is when movements and small injuries over the years lead to minor tears in the external wall, which has nerves. Any damage close to the nerves may turn out to be painful, and if the wall breaks down, the soft core of the discs may push through the cracks. This disc may swell and slip out of place, which is known as a herniated disc. Your doctor may give you some medication to tackle the symptoms of this disease. However, you can manage the pain with some natural treatments too.
Lose weight if necessary
Excess weight can put extra strain on your stomach and back muscles, weakening them. This makes it tricky for these muscles to support your back and also throws off your posture. A few joints and muscles will have to do all the work, thus stressing them out. Therefore, having a healthy weight is crucial to reducing pressure on the spinal discs.
Even when managing your weight is not a problem, exercise is vital for keeping your back strong. A physical therapist can help strengthen and stretch the appropriate muscles to assist in healing your back. A decent exercise session can include aerobic exercises, and exercises that are meant for specific muscle groups, like abdominal muscles and lower back muscles.
Consume fish oil
Fish oil has omega-3 fatty acids which contain anti-inflammatory effects. They are known to relieve neck and back pain. Fatty fish like mackerel, salmon, tuna, and sardines have omega-3 fatty acids naturally.
Include turmeric in your meals
Turmeric is another herb known for its anti-inflammatory effects. It has also been found to be useful for individuals with osteoarthritis. Turmeric has curcumin which is known for its anti-inflammatory properties. Add this spice to your everyday meals. You can also make a healing turmeric tea by adding turmeric powder to hot water. Add honey and drink it several times a day. It is not necessary for you to spend a lot of money on medicine when you can treat this condition by making some simple changes in your life.